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10 Things for a great work space

When you're an entrepreneur, it's easy to get so tied up in your work, that your work space become a hot mess. When it's a mess, it's easy to lose important notes and documents. Here are ten quick things you can do to keep your space a great place to work.

1. Get rid of paper. If you don't need it right now, get rid of it. From a traditional file cabinet, to banker's boxes and wall sorters, there are a lot of options you have to corral your papers. If you don't need physical copies, you can scan them, and store them on your external harddrive (hint, hint). Then shred them. Make sure they're backed up and you're good to go.

2. Create a Bullentin Board. Some things you will need to see right away. Use a cork board or even an area of your wall you tape papers to. You can get as fancy or stay as simple as you want. This will keep notes at eye level without you having to sort through files (digital or otherwise).

3. Use apps on your phone. Whether you're using an iPhone or an Android, the app market is FULL of applications that can make running your business (and your life) a lot easier. Take some time to search and explore your app market, you'll be glad you did.

4. Use clear containers. Clear or tinted translucent containers will help you keep office supplies organized and you'll know what's in the container right away. This will help you to avoid over stocking or running out of vital supplies.

5. Use Labels. You can go one step further and use labels on EVERYTHING. This will help you save time when looking for things. Don't trust that with all the things you HAVE to remember, you'll also remember where you put that thing you only use every once in a while but have to keep around.

6. Use Binders. Sometimes you have too much of similar info to put in a file folder. That's where 3-ring binders come in. For things like product manuals for your equipment, medical information, CE course info, and more. using a binder with sheet protectors is a great way to keep these types of document together and with in reach. For instance, for each client I have with ongoing projects, I keep a binder. Full of their contract, our emails, meeting notes, and work logs.

7. Customize & Personalize. Whatever that means to you, make your work space your own! From colors to style and furnishings, make sure your workspace is a place you WANT to be.

8. Make it easy to clean. One of the problems with cleaning up is, that often it takes too much effort. Keep quick cloths, rags or wipes in your office. You might want to consider having a broom or swifter that's only for your workspace, so you don't have to look for it every single time. You may also want to keep sanitizer for your hands and equipment. As well as covers for your printers and other machines, the less dust, the better.

9. Have a comfy seat. This is office design 101. You will spend a lot of time at your desk. Make sure your seat is one that allows of proper posture and doesn't cut off blood circulation to your legs and feet. You can even create a standing work space, but standing for too long is also bad for your health. Also remember it's suggested that for every 45 minutes you work at the screen, you take a 15 minute break..not looking at another screen, so make sure you have some books or puzzles available.

10. Use great lighting. You don't want shadows, you want full lighting. Also if you're like me and you work, until you can't work anymore, make sure you can dim or change the lighting from daylight to soft white to help you begin to wind down the work day.

You made it all the way to the end!! Congrats. Hopefully you've received some great tips to help you make your work space, warm, inviting and comfortable. If you still need help getting started, contact me for a free consultation and I'll either drop by or we'll schedule a zoom.

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