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In the beginning...

There was $1 and a dream. Like what I did there? Awesome and welcome to the K.O. experience! I'm sure you've went through the website and finally landed on this page. Or perhaps you found a link to my blog on Facebook or Twitter and decided to check it out. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time, out of your busy day to check out my business. We just might be a good fit for a project you have in mind.

My name is LaWanda Alycia Kelly, mom of 4 amazing kids ( I know everyone says that, but mine really are). I love to help and encourage people in their purpose. Whatever you're supposed to contribute to society, if you're in need of some positive reinforcement to get and stay on track, shoot me a line, I'm here for you. I'm not a convienced beliver of peer pressure, but if the people you spend the most time with, are nothing like you, don't have similar goals, dreams, aspirations or wants, it will be VERY hard for you to accomplish what you're trying to do. So get you one person, who will support you in the future you're envisioning and get started. ME.

My first business was started back in the 90s's in the 4th grade. Shortly thereafter, people found me to be the 'serious friend'. I'm nt the friend you go to the mall with, and I haven't been invited on one girl trip yet. But when you have a serious need, a heartfelt decision or want to know just about anything concerning business...I'm the one they call on. My need to always be right, ensures they will always get the correct answer. I'm the...dependable friend.

Now, I've decided to share my gifts and talents with everyone else. I will be kind. But if you're wrong, you're wrong and I will tell you. It's only right. I'm a bit of a story teller, so most of my blog entries will be written as if you and I were conversing. When you have questions, feel free to ask. I LOVE to answer questions!

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